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Interferences International Theatre Festival awarded the "Ion Caramitru" Prize of Exellence

Interferences International Theatre Festival received the "Ion Caramitru" Award of Exellence at the UNITER Award Gala in Timisoara, Romania

Author: UTE Team

Interferences International Theatre Festival received the "Ion Caramitru" Award of Exellence at the UNITER Award Gala in Timisoara, Romania, in a ceremony held on the 12th of June.

Following proposals made by Romanian theatres and members of the UNITER Senate, the International Theatre Festival INTERFERENCES, organized by the Hungarian State Theatre of Cluj, was awarded the "Ion Caramitru" Award of Excellence. The award was received by Gábor Tompa, Director of the Hungarian State Theatre Cluj and Director of the Interferences International Theatre Festival.