Yugoslav Drama Theatre has staged the auteur performance “The Metamorphosis”, based on the novella by Franz Kafka, directed by young and already very successful director Marko Torlaković, who has won many awards for his previous theatre work. Interweaving the account of Gregor Samsa and his inexplicable transformation into a huge insect with his own intimate experience of estrangement, misunderstanding, and isolation, Torlaković tells a universal story of human existence in the world where one is not always seen, and if seen, not always accepted or understood, not even by his closest ones. Performing within a physically very restricted space, speaking, singing, chanting, skillfully balancing between stylization and realism, five young actors bring to life this excruciating story of alienation in a poignant and powerful manner, thus putting us face to face with the sad truth that the feeling of not belonging is something known to everyone and everywhere, shifting Samsa’s account from surreal to all too real.